
TrendSet 2024

From July 06, 2024 until July 08, 2024
Munich - Pêşangeha Munich, Bavaria, Almanya
+49 (0)89 4622465-0
(Ji kerema xwe berî tevlêbûnê tarîx û cîhê li ser malpera fermî ya jêrîn du caran kontrol bikin.)

TrendSet Munich | Fûara Bazirganî ya Hundir Inspiration Lifestyle

TrendSet li Munchenê: Cîhana hilber, raman û meyldariyan diteqe. Meyl û fermana navneteweyî ya Munîhê ji bo pîşesaziya firotanê. Serkeftin têkeliyek îlham, cihêrengî û nûjeniyê ye. TrendSet Zivistan 2024 ::: Fîlma Fûara Bazirganî. Kovara TrendSet Zivistan 2020. Sê qadên mijarê yên TrendSet û qadên pêşangeha Hundir û Jiyanê. Qadên adil û kategoriyan. TRENDSET365 qada îlhamê ya serhêl naha heye.

TrendSet li Munihê: Raman, hilber û meylên ku bi fîşekan diteqin.

In summer it is the largest international interiors and lifestyle fair, while in winter the first order date is for the industry. The fair offers maximum variety in terms of markets, products and areas. This is the place to meet for interiors and lifestyles sector, where you can discover, be inspired, order, and network. TrendSet Summer is in July, and TrendSet winter in January. TrendSet is used by major buyers, purchasing agents and retailers from the interiors and lifestyle sector, as well as online traders and retailers from the retail and wholesale sectors.

TrendSet, the international trade show for interiors and lifestyle, is on the side of retailers when it comes to successfully implementing new trends and products into their business. What are the latest interior and lifestyle trends? What will be the most important areas, fields and markets in the future? What products will be popular next season, and perhaps the season after that at Christmas or Easter. Trade visitors from the retail, wholesale, internet retail, hotel and gastronomy sectors will spend three days at TrendSet Winter and TrendSet Summer to find the answers they need, as well as the latest products, and innovative, successful and important exhibitors.

Hits: 32301

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Nexşeya Cihê û Otêlên Li Dorê

Munich - Pêşangeha Munich, Bavaria, Almanya Munich - Pêşangeha Munich, Bavaria, Almanya


800 Çepên çepgir