
Rooms Experience

Rooms Experience
From October 12, 2023 until October 15, 2023
Tokyo - Shibuya Hikarie, Tokyo, Japonya
+ 813-3499-0822
(Ji kerema xwe berî tevlêbûnê tarîx û cîhê li ser malpera fermî ya jêrîn du caran kontrol bikin.)

rooms (ルームス)https://static.wixstatic.com/media/9b161c_e9edabf04c734f5db0303416e5a86a0e~mv2.png

Thank you for everything! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN.

Ash Pa France Co., Ltd., our company, has decided that the ROOMS Business will be suspended as of Friday, 30th June 2023.

The official website (https://www.roomsroom.com/) will be closed as of July 31st (Monday).

We hope that you will visit the "ROOMS ONLINE", "ROOMS x e SALON" Incubation Project, which is currently open.

E SALON Incubation projectThalatta ~September 30, 2023 (Saturday).

Hits: 29031

Ji bo bilêtan an stendeyan qeyd bikin

Please register at the official website of Rooms Experience

Nexşeya Cihê û Otêlên Li Dorê

Tokyo - Shibuya Hikarie, Tokyo, Japonya Tokyo - Shibuya Hikarie, Tokyo, Japonya


800 Çepên çepgir